
Teeth whitening

Permanent Teeth Whitening Procedure

Smile Design

Smiling Has Never Been So Beautiful

Healthy and aesthetic teeth are the most important step on the road to happiness.

Further Information


What is Root Canal Treatment?

The tooth consists of a crown, which is the visible part in the mouth, and one or more roots that remain buried in the bone.

There is white enamel tissue on the outermost part of the upper part (crown) of the tooth and yellow dentin tissue below it. Inside the tooth is the pulp (popularly known as the tooth’s nerve). Contrary to popular belief, the pulp is not just a nerve. Pulp is a tissue composed of vessels, nerves and connective tissue but also tissue called pulp that gives vitality to the tooth. The pulp extends to the root tip through the channels in the root and connects to the cardiovascular and nervous systems.


What is endodontics?

Endodontics is the science that deals with the treatment of diseases of the tooth pulp (Neurovascular Bundle inside the tooth) and the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth.


When is root canal treatment required?

If inflammation or infection occurs in the pulp tissue of a tooth, root canal treatment should be applied to that tooth.

We can summarize the most relevant factors that cause root canal treatment as follows:

• Deep caries

•Acute (caused by a sudden impact, fall, crash) or permanent (Grinding and clenching, Uneven filling- sealant for the teeth) traumas to the tooth

• Fractures or cracks in the hard shell of the tooth

• Advanced periodontal diseases

• Excessive pressure exerted to the tooth during orthodontic treatment (dental braces)

• Poor dental fillings –  poor performing porcelain application


How do we know that our tooth needs root canal treatment?

• Teeth Sensitivity and pain to cold-hot and in some cases sugary foods

• Toothaches at night without any stimulus

• Toothaches When Biting Down

• Tooth Discoloration

• Enlargement of facial tissues

• Abscess that does not cause any symptoms and is detected by radiography during dental control

If one or more of the above-mentioned symptoms have occurred, it is a sign that the concerned tooth is no longer able to repair/heal itself.

In this case, the tooth will either maintain its normal function in the mouth following  root canal treatment, or it will have to be extracted.


Is root canal a painful treatment?

Root canal treatment is an application performed under local anesthesia by anesthetizing individual dental nerves. Thanks to the anesthetic solutions and procedures used in dentistry today, the treatment is completed without feeling any pain or discomfort.


What are the stages of root canal treatment?

The tooth on  which the speacialist determines that the patient needs root canal treatment as a result of dental radiographic examinations, is anesthetized with local anesthesia. After the caries in the enamel and dentin tissue of the tooth are completely cleaned mechanically, the lengths of the roots of the teeth are measured through  electronic devices and the pulp (vascular and nervous tissue) is completely removed to the root tips. Afterwards, the root canals are cleaned with special systems, expanded and filled with Root Canal Filling Material that are compatible with the body and rarely cause an allergic reaction until the root tip.

Finally, the top part of the tooth is restored with laser filling, onlay (porcelain filling) or porcelain veneers.

Is root canal treatment completed on the same day?

The treatment of the majority of teeth requiring root canal treatment is completed on the same day, in an average of 45-60 minutes.

Of course, the experience and knowledge of the physician who performs the treatment is of great importance.

In some cases, for example, when an abscess occurs at the root tips, a second session may be required to complete the treatment depending on the desired results in the treated area. In such cases, the dentist applies a drug in the root canals of the tooth in the first session and and prefers to wait 10-15 days for the drug to take effect.

In the second session, the drug in the root canals of the tooth is removed, the root canals are filled and the treatment is completed.


Will there be pain in the tooth after root canal treatment?

It is normal to experience a slight sensitivity for 6-7 days when biting or chewing with the treated tooth following root canal treatment. In this case, patients get through this period without complaints by receiving a mild pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drug.


How long is the life span of a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment?

Academic research reveals that the success rate of root canal treatments performed properly  under sterile conditions is around 95%.

The life of a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment and whose crown (top  part) has been restored with  medical supplies is not different from teeth that have not undergone root canal treatment and can remain for a long time in the mouth.

However, restoration of the upper part of the teeth that have undergone root canal treatment is of great importance for the life span of the tooth. Teeth that need root canal treatment have generally suffered a large loss in volume as a result of advanced caries or trauma. As far as  such teeth are concerned , it is necessary to ensure the durability and sealing of the top part of the tooth with a correct restoration after root canal treatment.

Today, teeth undergoing root canal treatment can be restored as follows;

•Composite filling (laser filling)

• Porcelain onlay/inlay (porcelain filling)

• Porcelain Veneers

Regarding the procedure to be applied to the tooth, the loss of substance in the tooth and the position of the tooth in the mouth are the main determinants. Academic research reveals that the most durable and aesthetic restorations in teeth undergoing root canal treatment are porcelain fillings or veneers.

Computer-aided dentistry makes it possible to complete (glue) the porcelain restoration on a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment, in as little as 30 minutes, on the same day following the treatment.


Laminate Veneers

Laminate veneer, also known as leaf porcelain, is an aesthetic application to permanently change the shape and color of teeth. In order to eliminate discoloration  and various deformities in the teeth, porcelain laminates in the form of nails are applied only to the front surface of the teeth, without intervening the entire tooth. Laminate veneer, which does not contain metal content in its infrastructure, is permeable to light and gives extremely successful and aesthetic results with its structure similar to tooth enamel, serves more than aesthetic purposes as a protective prosthesis.

Laminate Veneer remedies  problems below

• Discolored and stained teeth,

• Cases where the teeth are different from each other in size and shape,

• Teeth with various problems such as breakage and cracking,

• Gaps Between Teeth,

• Crooked teeth,

Laminate veneer is a successful solution for patients who do not like their smile in general, to have a new smile.


Laminate Veneer Treatment

During the treatment process, first of all, we will determine which medication is the right one for you in a preliminary discussion with one of our dentists. Then the digital design phase is started. At this stage, it is determined how the patient’s teeth will look. It is aimed to get maximum efficiency using mock-ups for guiding tooth preparation according to the size of the patient.

Afterwards, the front surface of the enamel tissue where the leaf porcelains will be placed is etched and the measurement is taken. Laminate veneers, which are prepared according to the measurements sent to the laboratory, are checked for compatibility in terms of color and shape before they are attached to the tooth. The last step is to restore the tooth with porcelain crown

Laminate veneer treatment is a method that requires a total of 2-3 sessions and is completed in an average of 1 week – 10 days and gives you very fast results. In this treatment method, which is not usually painful, local anesthesia can be applied according to the patient’s request. After the teeth are roughened, temporary teeth are applied to prevent possible sensitivity and Image Deformation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Porcelain Laminate Veneers

Porcelain Laminate Veneers  have the following advantages;

– It  has a very similar appearance to natural tooth enamel thanks its light-permeable, transparent structure .

– It is not affected by substances that stain teeth such as tea, coffee, wine and cigarettes.

– It does not cause Gum Discoloration thanks to its metal-free products .

– It does not cause a complete abrasion on the tooth surface and is more protective for dental health than other methods.

The most important disadvantage of laminate veneers is that it is cost effective. Patients with teeth grinding and clenching problems may need to inform their dentist about this issue and take protective measures such as night plates after treatment.


Post treatment period for Porcelain Laminate Veneers

After treatment, it is very important not to neglect oral care to protect the laminated teeth. Hygiene practices such as brushing, flossing and mouthwash should be performed regularly to prevent bacteria accumulation and caries formation in dental restorations. 6-monthly dental check-ups should be given the great importance. By doing this, it will be possible to ensure the longevity of Porcelain Laminate Veneers.


Smile Design

Smile design is a personalized smile aesthetic in order to achieve a healthier and aesthetic appearance that is compatible with the anatomical structure of the teeth, gums, lips, jaw and face. The structure of the teeth greatly affects the smile and social life of the person. Most people who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their teeth avoid smiling and try not to show their teeth too much even when talking. Research reveals that while aesthetic concerns can cause various psychological problems, patients can have a beautiful and healthy smile in a short time thanks to the developing dentistry methods today

The aim of smile aesthetics is to enhance the appearance of fractured, cracked and discolored teeth and to give a permanent, natural and aesthetic appearance. While various methods such as laminate veneer (leaf porcelain), teeth whitening, zirconium, inlay/onlay applications, bonding, orthodontic treatment, implant are applied in the dental aesthetics, pink aesthetics is applied in the gingival aesthetics.

Among these methods, laminate veneer treatment is especially prominent and frequently preferred in smile design. This method, which provides effective results in as little as 1 week, stands out due to the similarity to tooth enamel and the translucent appearance of the tooth.

Dental Problems Related to Smile Design

• Discolorations that cannot be removed by whitening,

• Incompatibility in the visible parts of the teeth and gums,

• Fractured, cracked, worn teeth,

• Tooth size discrepancy,

• Teeth-alignment disorders

• As an alternative to orthodontic treatment, smile design can be  applied for those who have  perplexed teeth.
Treatment Process in Smile Design

The aim of smile design is to have an aesthetic smile and to eliminate existing or future dental health problems.. First of all, the needs of the patient are determined. The treatment plan also determines the duration. For example; Missing teeth may need to be implanted or may need orthodontic treatment first. Although a treatment plan of up to 1 year is considered in such cases, laminate veneer treatment applied gives satisfying results in 1 week. Porcelain laminate treatment, which is completed after   2-3 visits to the dentist, offers the most similar solution to the natural tooth with its appearance close to tooth enamel, which can be used for an average of 10 years..

Before the smile design, digital planning is performed  first. This study is a sketch made in order to see and determine the desired result.

The design of new teeth is shaped not only by the wishes of the patient, but also by factors such as facial features, age, gender and even social position. After the treatment, it is important to do the necessary oral care and not to neglect regular dentist visits, by giving the laminate teeth the same care and consistency that you practice to your own teeth.


Teeth whitening

The contribution of a beautiful and aesthetic smile to one’s social life and self-confidence is an undeniable fact. Thanks to the aesthetic and restorative developments in dentistry, color, shape and placement of teeth in a incomplete denture are now easily resolved. The bleaching method of dark or discolored teeth is often preferred as it is more economical, easy and effortless compared to other restorative methods.

Tooth Bleaching is the procedure  of removing stains and discoloration of short teeth.

Teeth lose their whiteness for various reasons. In particular, the consumption of foodstuffs that leave stains on the teeth such as tea, coffee and cola cause an increase in staining, while discoloration may occur due to various reasons such as some antibiotics used during childhood or in the womb, smoking, and excessive fluoride intake. This type of discoloration can also be removed by brushing teeth and taking care of the person’s oral care. Hard brushing, which is a mistake made to get rid of stains on the teeth, can cause wear and sensitivity in the teeth. Brushing with the right technique using a medium-hard brush is a beneficial method for dental health.

It is possible to achieve white teeth quickly and easily with whitening procedure, which is especially preferred by those who are satisfied with the shape of their teeth but not satisfied with their color.


Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Methods

Two different methods are preferred in the form of in-office teeth whitening applied by the dentist in the clinic, with accurate and quick results, and  teeth whitening at home , which can be applied at home and cost-effective.


In-Office Teeth Whitenig

The whitening procedure  is performed  in one or more sessions by the dentist in the clinic. The whitening gel applied to the teeth while protecting the gums is activated by a light source such as laser or led. In-Office Teeth Bleaching procedure , which is completed in a period of 30-60 minutes  in one or a few sessions depending on the condition of the stains on the teeth, stands out as a safe method.


Teeth whitening at home

In this method, although the whitening procedure  is applied at home, it is still under the control of the dentist. The dentist takes the measurement of the teeth and prepares a mold. This mold aims to protect the gums during teeth whitening at home. The patient applies the whitening gel to this mold and keeps it on his teeth for a certain period of time. The important point is to carry out the procedure for the period and under the conditions laid down by the physician..

Teeth whitening kits sold in pharmacies may not give healthy results because the molds are not specially prepared for the person. uneven and rough parts of the mold can damage the gums. It is more difficult to get the expected result with such products.


In the afterwards of  teeth whitening procedure

Especially the first two weeks after the teeth whitening procedure is very important. During this period, it is necessary to stay away from habits such as smoking, tea, coffee, wine, cola that will stain the teeth.

It is very important to pay attention to oral care in order to preserve the whiteness that lasts for 1-2 years. It also helps to preserve whiteness by consuming foods that leave stains on the teeth as little as possible.


Everything you need to know about Root Canal Treatment

Site content is for informational purposes only. The published information is not a substitute for medical examination or diagnosis. All articles on this page belong to Onur Öztürk. Any copying or using of parts or the whole will result in criminal proceedings according to the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works.

He was born in 1978 in Ankara He’s married with two children.

He finished dentistry faculty at Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, In 2001. He started prosthodontics master program in same faculty afterwards and graduated in 2004. He’s working in his private practice since 2005 in Nisantasi. Onur Öztürk focuses on esthetic dental treatments and smile design in clinic.


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